
Using Community Science Data in Advocacy Efforts

On February 17th, the Izaak Walton League teamed up with Wild Virginia to host a webinar on water quality monitoring and how to use data in advocacy efforts. Kira Carney, the Mid-Atlantic Save Our Streams Coordinator for IWLA, presented on the benthic and chemical monitoring trainings offered by the CMC. She explained to the audience the power of community science and how volunteer monitoring helps build a better understanding of stream health, and the overall health of the watershed.

Dave Sligh, Conservation Director at Wild Virginia, explored case studies on how volunteer data and observations have been used by volunteers to advocate for clean water initiatives and regulations. Volunteers have referenced findings in public comments on proposals, created stream health reports for their community, and used their data to mobilize communities on water health issues. Volunteer data has also been used to hold polluters accountable in litigation.

Watch the webinar to learn more about using community science data in advocacy efforts. For more information on how to advocate for clean water, build partnerships, and take action, check out the Save Our Streams Advocacy Guide.