The Izaak Walton League’s Virginia Save Our Streams (VASOS) program wants to take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress made in 2022 monitoring waterways in Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay region.
This year, VASOS welcomed 168 new monitors to the team, who joined to support the mission to monitor the quality of our streams and rivers. Their hard work and dedication has allowed the program to expand its reach, adding 125 new monitoring sites to the network. This growth has allowed for more data submissions, helping VASOS and various stakeholders to better understand the health of our waterways.
In addition to new monitors, VASOS also trained and welcomed 5 new trainers to the team. These dedicated individuals have helped to train and educate new monitors, ensuring that monitoring efforts are as effective and consistent as possible.
From these new trainers and monitors the received 309 data submissions this year, providing the program with valuable information about the health of the streams and rivers. This data is crucial in helping us to make informed decisions and take the necessary steps to protect and preserve these vital resources.
VASOS wants to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of their monitors, trainers, and supporters for their hard work and dedication. Without their efforts, the program would not be able to make the progress that it has. Save our Streams is grateful for all of the continued support and look forward to making even more progress in the years to come.
Here’s to a successful and impactful 2022 and to an even better 2023!