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Newsletter Archives

CMC 2024 Highlights

Strengthening Water Monitoring: CMC’s 2024 Highlights The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) had an exciting and impactful 2024, marked by significant advancements in community-driven water monitoring, data accessibility, and regional collaboration. Through continued strategic partnerships and outreach efforts, the CMC empowers volunteer monitors and enhances the understanding of water quality across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A […]


Volunteer Water Data in Maryland’s 2024 Integrated Report

Volunteer Water Data Plays Key Role in Maryland’s 2024 Integrated Report Maryland’s Department of the Environment (MDE) released their 2024 Integrated Report back in September and utilized more participatory science data than ever before! The report window assessed data from 2017-2021 and included data from volunteer-based monitoring groups within the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative’s (CMC) network. […]


Liz Chudoba Honored at MWMC 2024

CMC Recognized for Advancing Community Water Monitoring At the end of last year, Liz Chudoba was honored with the 2024 Above and Beyond Award at the Maryland Water Monitoring Council’s (MWMC) annual conference for her outstanding contributions to the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative. Liz has been instrumental in fostering collaboration between community-based monitoring groups and government […]


Severn River Association Now Tier 3!

Severn River Association Achieves Tier 3 Data Status! We’re thrilled to congratulate the Severn River Association on achieving Tier 3 status for their water quality data! Since 2019, this dedicated team has been collecting dissolved oxygen and water clarity data at more than 30 monitoring sites along the Severn River. Now, thanks to their commitment […]


Patapsco Heritage Greenway Report Card 2023

Patapsco Heritage Greenway Report Card 2023: Improved Grades and New Insights on Water Health For the second year in a row, Patapsco Heritage Greenway has published their report card assessing the condition of the Patapsco River in Maryland using their volunteer monitoring data. The Patapsco Valley Heritage Area is one of one of thirteen state-certified […]


CMC Data Explorer Updates

The CMC team is excited to announce some updates to the CMC Data Explorer. We recently updated the problem and qualifier codes in order to better reflect data quality issues represented in the Data Explorer. If your group uses problem codes either through the data upload form or bulk upload process, please review the new […]


2023 Prioritization Report

2023 Prioritization Report: Progress and Future Directions for the CMC Summary of Achievements: The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC), in collaboration with water monitoring organizations, has effectively filled key data gaps in the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) monitoring network and State Integrated Reports. This collaborative effort has led to the integration of 5 water organizations collecting […]


Farewell to Stephanie Letourneau: A Pillar of ALLARM and CMC

Celebrating Stephanie’s Impact and Looking Ahead to Her Future in Marine Science Last month, we bid a heartfelt goodbye to Stephanie Letourneau, the driving force behind ALLARM’s Community Science Manager role and an invaluable member of the CMC team. For nearly three years, Stephanie has played a crucial part in coordinating ALLARM’s Stream Team program. […]


The Havre de Grace Maritime Museum Joins the CMC

A Fresh Wave of Monitoring Efforts: How the Museum’s Environmental Center Will Contribute to Understanding and Protecting the Chesapeake Bay We are thrilled to announce that the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum has joined the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) as a new monitoring partner! Located where the Susquehanna River flows into the Chesapeake Bay, the […]


Elevating Community Science Around Annapolis

Elevating Community Science: Arundel Rivers Federation and Anne Arundel Community College Join CMC’s Tier 3 Monitoring Groups Arundel Rivers Federation This year marks a significant milestone for the Arundel Rivers Federation (ARF) as it joins the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative’s (CMC) Tier 3 monitoring groups. This certification represents the highest level of data quality certified by […]


13th National Monitoring Conference Highlights

The CMC Takes the Stage at the 13th National Monitoring Conference The 13th National Monitoring Conference, held in Virginia Beach, VA from April 24-28th, was a significant opportunity for the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) to participate in one of the premiere water monitoring conferences. Peter Tango, the Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Coordinator for the Chesapeake Bay […]


Partner Spotlight: Otsego County Conservation Association

Otsego County Conservation Association Continues Water Quality Monitoring in Chesapeake Bay Headwaters The Otsego County Conservation Association (OCCA) launched its Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Program in 2018 with the technical assistance of Dickinson College’s Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). As the first county-wide stream monitoring initiative conducted by community scientists in Otsego County, […]


CUAHSI Webinar Series

CUAHSI Webinar Series – Integrating Citizen Science and Water Resource Work The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI), sponsored by the National Science Foundation is hosting an ongoing webinar series. The webinars will cover logistics and organizational requirements to manage successful citizen science projects, methods-focused sessions to share best practices […]


Community Monitoring Spotlight

Over 20 years of monitoring in Centre County, PA The Centre County Pennsylvania Senior Environmental Corps at ClearWater Conservancy (CCPaSEC) began monitoring streams in April 2002. The group had support from the Centre County Conservation District. Additionally, they partnered with numerous organizations including, watershed associations, and academic institutions. CCPaSEC volunteer scientist teams have monitored a […]


Save Our Streams 2022 Review

Save Our Streams: 2022 Spotlight The Izaak Walton League’s Virginia Save Our Streams (VASOS) program wants to take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress made in 2022 monitoring waterways in Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay region. This year, VASOS welcomed 168 new monitors to the team, who joined to support the mission to […]


Stream Team 2022 Review

Stream Team Soars in 2022: Expanding Reach, Enriching Experience, and Driving Data 2022 was a successful year for the Stream Team program! In the past year, ALLARM at Dickinson College expanded the program to three new counties: Clinton, Lycoming, and Susquehanna; this added 24 new monitors. In addition to expanding the geographic reach of the […]


RiverTrends 2022 Review

RiverTrends: A Wave of Success in 2022 The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s RiverTrends program had a successful year in 2022, delivering valuable results through its water quality monitoring program. The program trained 41 new volunteer monitors, and expanded its reach by adding 15 new monitoring sites across Virginia. RiverTrends has a dedicated team of […]


CMC on the NWQMC Webinar

CMC Shines on the NWQMC Webinar The CMC team leads, Liz Chudoba, Julie Vastine, Sam Briggs, and Peter Tango, recently presented on the National Water Quality Monitoring Council’s (NWQMC) webinar series. The NWQMC was created in 1997 as a vehicle for bringing together diverse expertise needed to develop collaborative approaches for monitoring and assessing our […]


CMC at the MWMC Conference

PFAS and Chloride Pollution at the MWMC Conference This December the Izaak Walton League of America’s (IWLA) Clean Water Team attended and tabled at the 2022 Maryland Water Monitoring Council’s (MWMC) conference in Linthicum Heights, MD. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) runs the conference every year as an opportunity for all stakeholders across […]


CMC at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum

Collaborative presentation at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum! With the announcement of this year’s Chesapeake Watershed Forum theme, “Nature in Your Neighborhood: Connecting Communities to the Outdoors,” the CMC team was excited to propose a session that would highlight the benefits of community based aquatic assessments. Water quality monitoring is a great way for  a community […]


IWLA Training New Monitors

Fall Training and Monitoring Recap The Izaak Walton League’s Virginia Save Our Streams program wrapped up the fall training and monitoring season with three recent events. We hosted a second training at Lake Anna State Park in Virgina to certify even more monitors in the area. A crew of new monitors in the area will […]


Stream Team Monitoring Macros

Stream Team’s Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Fall Recap This fall, ALLARM’s Stream Team piloted new engagement and workshop strategies for monitoring benthic macroinvertebrates. We hosted the first workshop early September on the Yellow Breeches Creek at Stuart Park at Barnitz Mill. Stream Teams from both watersheds in Cumberland County were represented, in addition to Swatara Creek in […]


Volunteer Monitoring Across the Pond

Water quality monitoring by volunteers in the UK! The Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) monitoring work and programs have been highlighted in a recent article by The Guardian. The United Kingdom’s Environment Agency (EA) is spending £7 million across England and Wales to set up a volunteer monitoring program modelled after work being done by the […]


Stream Team Data Stories

                Stream Team Data Stories: New Parameters! In the spring of 2022, Stream Team volunteers monitoring 62 sites participated in a data interpretation process. As monitors recounted stream conditions in relationship to their values, it confirmed for the ALLARM team that the additional parameters of water stage and […]


VA SOS is Growing!

VA SOS Network Continues to Grow! Virginia Save Our Streams volunteers enjoyed the cooler fall temperatures during our September trainings. On September 10th, three longstanding monitors from the Blue Ridge Foothills and Lake Master Naturalist Chapter were certified as volunteer trainers at the Booker T. Washington National Monument. They will help grow the VA SOS […]


Chesapeake Water Watch

Volunteer Monitoring Opportunity! Researchers at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center are developing new ways to assess water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. They are partnering with Riverkeepers and individuals collecting data with simple-to-use scientific equipment and applications on their smartphone. The information collected will help researchers understand the extent to which we can use satellite […]


Restoration Monitoring Protocol Testing

In late August, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (ACB) and Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) staff met with our partners from the Stroud Water Research Center to test out our new Restoration Monitoring Protocol. The protocol has been developed with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) over the last 8 months. The […]


IWLA Welcomes New Monitors in VA and MD

The Izaak Walton League established two goals for 2022; to provide trainings for the interested new monitors who had not been able to attend a training during the pandemic and to expand monitoring into new areas in VA and MD. August was a productive month of working towards both goals! On August 5th, our SOS Coordinator […]


CMC In-Person Meeting 2022

The CMC held an in-person meeting at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s (UMCES) office in Annapolis, MD on August 1st and 2nd. This was a great opportunity for the entire CMC team to come together and collaborate in-person. The team was able to discuss and work on a range of topics including: […]


Benthic Macroinvertebrate Picking Day

The Izaak Walton League and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay teams met at Prince William Forest in Triangle, VA on July 27th. The teams spent the afternoon picking through preserved benthic macroinvertebrate samples to test and refine volunteer friendly sub-sampling protocols, as part of a new CMC benthic macroinvertebrate sampling protocol. These samples are […]


York County Stream Team – Annual QC!

Since December 2018, ALLARM has conducted three Stream Team workshops in York County. Today there are 31 monitors assessing 19 sites. ALLARM enjoys using the summer months to connect with Stream Team scientists. On July 25, we met with York County monitors to refill supplies, discuss monitoring experiences, learn new stream monitoring techniques, and to […]


EPA Publishes Vision for Participatory Science

The CMC is excited to see that EPA just published its vision for the use of participatory science in EPA work! This vision accomplishes two goals: first shifts the language from community and citizen science to participatory science, a big milestone to increase inclusivity in the field, and second outlines EPA’s planned actions for public engagement […]


Finding the Stories Behind the Data

ALLARM’s Stream Team volunteers have spent the past few months exploring the data they have collected, comparing the trends they identify with watershed characteristics, potential influencers, and state standards. On June 8th, we had 11 monitors present the stories they found. After the data exploration meeting in April, volunteers were given a worksheet to guide […]


RiverTrends Welcomes New Monitors and Gains a Mascot!

In June, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s RiverTrends Coordinator headed to eastern Virginia to provide chemical water quality monitoring trainings to the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula chapters of the Virginia Master Naturalists. We had perfect weather for both training days, one hosted at Belle Isle State Park and the other hosted at the […]


IWLA Welcomes New CMC Outreach Coordinator!

  Matthew Kierce grew up in Montgomery County, Maryland and developed a passion early on for the Chesapeake Bay. After receiving a B.S. in Marine Science from Coastal Carolina University and an M.S. in Environmental Studies from University of North Carolina Wilmington, he served in Georgia with a national AmeriCorps program. Now, he is excited […]


Farewell, Emily!

This month, the CMC says a very fond farewell to Emily Bialowas, Chesapeake Monitoring Outreach Coordinator (Izaak Walton League of America). Emily has been working with the CMC for 5 years, working on overall CMC coordination as well as Benthic Monitoring with the VA Save Our Streams program. Emily will be headed up to New […]


CMC Makes a Splash at Choose Clean Water Conference

The Choose Clean Water Conference was held last week in Richmond, VA, the first in person conference in 3 years! The conference offered a suite of presentations tackling the Chesapeake Bay’s biggest water quality issues and the incredible work being done to address them. There were great presentations covering topics from forest buffers to microplastic […]


Roadtripping for Trainings!

In May the Izaak Walton League’s Virginia Save Our Streams Coordinator trekked across central Virginia to provide benthic macroinvertebrate trainings in Petersburg and Blacksburg. The Petersburg training was attended by Virginia State University faculty and members of the Virginia Master Naturalists Pocahontas Chapter. The training was held on VSU’s campus where volunteers learned the Rocky […]


DIY Sieve Bag for Macroinvertebrate Collection

The Alliance received a grant from Chesapeake Bay Trust to leverage existing volunteer monitoring groups in the CMC network to collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples to fill existing data gaps for the Chesapeake Bay Program. This sample collection protocol was new to the CMC team, which meant we needed to acquire quite a bit of new equipment […]


DIY Table Modifications for Monitoring

Macroinvertebrate monitoring calls for patience, a keen eye for little critters, and depending on what table you’re using, a strong back! When spending a few hours bending over a table to sort, count, and identify macros, your back can start to feel the burn. Some Save Our Streams monitors have opted for short enough tables […]


Starting to Find the Story in Data

Behind every map and graph are countless data points and hours of data collection. When you add the time involved in compiling, formatting, and visualizing that data, the total effort towards a data summary can double. Therefore, in preparation for our largest data exploration experience to date, the entire ALLARM team got involved. There are […]


Green Aquia RiverTrends Recertification

Community members at Aquia Harbor in Virginia have been collecting water quality samples every month since 2013 at four sites to educate their neighbors about their local water quality! In April, 6 monitors were recertified under RiverTrends to continue their monitoring efforts. We had a great day in the field reviewing methods, learning how to […]


April Trainings Expand Save Our Streams Reach

In April the Izaak Walton League of America hosted three Save Our Streams trainings. The trainings were held to certify new benthic macroinvertebrate monitors in the rocky and muddy bottom collection protocols. The first two trainings were held in Richmond, Virginia and were cohosted by IWLA and Wild Virginia. 13 people attended and were able […]


New Monitors Join the Save Our Streams Network

The Izaak Walton League of America hosted three benthic macroinvertebrate trainings in March to certify new Save Our Streams monitors. The first training was attended by eight enthusiastic high school students who are members of their school’s Trout Out of the Classroom afterschool club in Vienna, VA. One student brought his own viewing tank and […]


RiverTrends Welcomes New High School Monitors in Virginia

Photo by Holly Jenkins On March 31, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay teamed up with RappFlow and Rappahannock County High School in the Northern Piedmont region of Virginia to offer a RiverTrends training to students and teachers at the school focused on bacteria monitoring. Eight students and two teachers attended the training session. Participants learned […]


Takes a Village – Collaborative Approach to Monitoring

From October 2018 through December 2021, ALLARM’s Stream Team program expanded to nine counties, 65 sites, and 120 volunteers. Integrated support systems and partnerships are vitally important to the success of the program. In fall 2021, when we chatted with the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper, John Zaktansky. It became clear that it would be good to […]


The CMC and Partners Participate in MD Streams Roundtable

After 2 years away, the Maryland Water Monitoring Council’s Streams Roundtable is back! On March 10th, the Council hosted a virtual gathering of state and county agencies, private contractors, and community organizations to share monitoring programs and plans in the state for 2022. With over 20 organizations sharing stream monitoring projects, the roundtable is always […]


The CMC Data Explorer is expanding in VA!

With the support of funding from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the CMC is developing a new Virginia-centric data portal to support community science driven water quality monitoring outside of the Chesapeake Bay watershed but within the state of Virginia. We are excited to work with our state and potential monitoring group partners to […]


DIY Inventions for Cost Savings in Monitoring

When it comes to water quality monitoring equipment, there can be some high-cost items. In some cases, there are cost effective “do-it-yourself” (DIY) approaches that do not affect the quality of data created. Measuring water levels in a stream provides a baseline flow profile that can track responses to precipitation and drought, and can assist […]


Using Community Science Data in Advocacy Efforts

On February 17th, the Izaak Walton League teamed up with Wild Virginia to host a webinar on water quality monitoring and how to use data in advocacy efforts. Kira Carney, the Mid-Atlantic Save Our Streams Coordinator for IWLA, presented on the benthic and chemical monitoring trainings offered by the CMC. She explained to the audience the […]


Chesapeake Data Explorer Exceeds 500,000 Water Quality Samples!

As we begin 2022, the Chesapeake Data Explorer now contains over 500,000 water quality samples collected from over 600 rivers and streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Reaching this milestone is a testament to the incredible community science efforts of over 100 water quality monitoring member organizations of the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative. As a reminder, […]


Navigate icy, snowy, and slippery conditions with confidence!

Winter is upon us! Wherever you are located in the watershed, you have already encountered winter’s joys while monitoring. Remember, safety is our number one priority. If you cannot access your site safely due to snow, ice, or slippery conditions, check in with your local coordinator about adjusting your sampling date. Additionally, if your site […]


Izaak Walton League Tackles 2021

  2021 was an exciting year for stream monitoring with the Izaak Walton League of America. 2021 began in the middle of Winter Salt Watch’s third monitoring season with more volunteers than ever – over 2600 kits sent around the country! 15 monitoring groups and hundreds of individual monitors submitted 979 data points within the […]


Susquehanna Stream Team 2021 Recap

  ALLARM’s Susquehanna Stream Team has grown since its inception three years ago with the goal to engage volunteers throughout the Susquehanna tributaries to collect scientific data of known quality that can inform local approaches to achieving improved watershed health. Since the first workshop in December 2018, ALLARM has partnered with the Lower and Middle […]


RiverTrends 2021 Year in Review

  Despite Covid limitations, RiverTrends had a very successful 2021! We continued to adapt our training and recertification sessions into a hybrid format, allowing for outdoor, in-person training events as well as virtual sessions to meet the needs of all of our monitors. In Virginia, we led 17 training sessions, trained 30 new monitors, and […]


An Exciting Year for the CMC!

Despite ongoing challenges in 2021 with COVID and gathering/training restrictions the CMC continues to forge ahead! We had a very exciting year and are happy to share some of the highlights: The CMC team provided over 70 trainings sessions in 2021 – including study design workshops, water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate trainings, Data Explorer trainings, […]


Farewell, Caroline!

Photo Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jeffrey Milisen This month, the CMC says a very fond farewell to program manager extraordinaire Caroline Donovan (UMCES IAN). Caroline has been with UMCES since 2006 and has worked on a plethora of projects. Her experience with report cards, science communication, stakeholder engagement, and citizen science is invaluable. Caroline helped start the […]


CMC Gets International Attention!

We are proud to announce that the CMC has been selected as a UNESCO Green Citizens project for 2020-2021! UNESCO Green Citizens is a global campaign to enhance local initiatives and highlight local environmental citizen-led projects on a global scale. This campaign was founded on the idea that changes in our relationship with the environment will […]


ALLARM Hosts Macroinvertebrate Webinar for Susquehanna Stream Team

As Stream Team volunteers continue to monitor monthly, ALLARM seeks to provide enriching educational opportunities and workshops. In preparation for in-person macroinvertebrate collection and identification workshops, we hosted a webinar focused on all things macroinvertebrates! This introductory webinar reviewed macroinvertebrate roles in the ecosystem, identification features, overview of the sampling process, and resources to explore […]


RiverTrends Welcomes New Monitors in Virginia

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay is excited to welcome 8 new monitors to the RiverTrends Team in November! The Middle Peninsula Master Naturalists gathered on November 11th for an outdoor training in Hayes, Virginia, spending a beautiful day alongside the York River getting familiar with their monitoring equipment. On November 18th, we were also […]


RiverTrends Welcomes New Monitors with the James River Master Naturalists

On Friday, October 15, the RiverTrends team trained five new monitors with the James River Master Naturalists on a beautiful day in Powhatan County, Virginia. Special thanks to long-time monitor Elena Henderson for hosting the training and recruiting our trainees! The James River Master Naturalists now monitor five different sites along the James River and […]


Macroinvertebrate Collection at Mill Creek!

Macroinvertebrate collection and identification is a staple monitoring feature with many of CMC’s partners. In addition to the traditional order taxonomic level analysis, CMC has been partnering with the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) to have specimens identified to the family level. There are key watersheds where the CBP would like to have family level analysis […]


New StoryMap tells the Stories of Water Data

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission has produced a StoryMap on the nontidal stations they monitor. This StoryMap is meant to give you a better understanding of: (1) the Chesapeake Bay Program’s approach to measuring stream and river pollutants; (2) how scientists tell if conditions are improving; and, (3) where to find answers to your questions […]


The CMC Heads to WV for Protocol Trainings

On October 5th, team members from ALLARM, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, USGS, and the Izaak Walton League of America met for a field day at Cacapon State Park in Berkeley Springs, WV. The team gathered to record videos that will be used to train volunteers throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in a benthic […]


Virginia Water Monitoring Council Hosts Annual Conference

On Thursday, September 30 the Virginia Water Monitoring Council hosted their annual conference virtually! They had a packed agenda full of interesting topics from vernal pools to solar farms to PAH/PCB remediation. The CMC’s Liz Chudoba also presented on the Hack the Bay event and continued data analysis work. If you missed it this year, you […]


RiverTrends Welcomes New Monitors in Rockbridge County, VA

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay is excited to welcome four new monitors to the Rockbridge Water Monitors in Rockbridge County, VA, including two students from Washington and Lee University. After a long hiatus while we worked to navigate COVID training protocols, we can’t thank our partners at the Rockbridge Area Conservation Council and existing RiverTrends monitors […]


Five New Trainers Join the Save Our Streams Network

The Izaak Walton League of America is excited to bring 5 new trainers into the Save Our Stream team in Virginia. Ben Rhoades from the Reston Association, Amy Ulland from the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, Jessica McCaulley from the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District, and Julia Sargent and Daisy Blakely from the Friends of […]


Monitoring Tidal Sites at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

  In August, Caroline Donovan and Nathan Miller (UMCES-IAN) took a field trip out to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County, Maryland. A team of volunteers are measuring water quality (Secchi, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and more) at four tidal sites within the refuge. These volunteers have organized themselves and created this program with the help of the […]


UMD’s Environmental Justice Symposium Showed the Power of Community Science and Engagement

Every year, UMD’s Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH) holds an Environmental Justice Symposium, one of the few opportunities in the region to hear from active community members and academics on confronting environmental injustice and working towards a healthier living environment. For the last 2 years, this symposium has become much more […]


Minecraft and Data Vis!

Check out this awesome work created by High School students in Maryland combining Minecraft with water quality data! Dissolved oxygen data was collected in a small tributary to the St. Mary’s River, Indigo’s Bay, last summer. As a result, Wesley (MineProWes) and his friends built a model of St. Indigo’s Bay and are exploring ways to […]


Stream Team has started flowing through Dauphin and Lebanon counties!

ALLARM is excited to report that Stream Team has expanded to Dauphin and Lebanon counties in Pennsylvania! We are so thankful for our colleagues for helping to facilitate stream monitoring opportunities while continuing to navigate COVID training protocols. Over the past year, ALLARM connected with Casey Clauser, a Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Coordinator, […]


Virginia State University Joins RiverTrends!

In partnership with Dr. Shobha Sriharan at Virginia State University, The Alliance trained three students and recent graduates on August 25 under the RiverTrends program to collect monthly water quality samples. The students selected a site that is accessible from campus along the Lower Appomattox River Trail in Petersburg, Virginia. As the monitoring program grows, […]


Tributary Trends Summaries from the Chesapeake Bay Program

Photo by Ethan Weston/Chesapeake Bay Program The Chesapeake Bay Program’s Integrated Trends Analysis Team recently released summaries for the 12 major tributaries or tributary groups in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The tributary summaries cover: How tidal water quality changes over time; How factors that drive those changes change over time; and, The current state of […]


Izaak Walton League of America Welcomes New Save Our Streams Coordinator

The Izaak Walton League of America is excited to welcome Kira Carney as the new Virginia Save Our Streams Coordinator. To pursue her love of rocks and sharing nature’s wonders with others, Kira received her BA in Earth Science and Education from James Madison University. After spending a summer working with youth doing conservation projects […]


Beyond the river’s edge, exciting collaborative approach to education

As the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) explored avenues for community connection that were still safe during these COVID times, outdoor opportunities were key. When John Zaktansky, the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper asked if we wanted to collaborate on their Floating Classroom series, it was a quick yes for us! The ALLARM team made their […]


The CMC is Back in Full Swing!

After more than a year of limited operations throughout the watershed due to Covid-19, the CMC  is back at full capacity. During the last year, the CMC paused in-person trainings and limited onboarding new monitors. With staff and many volunteers vaccinated and trainings currently taking place from Virginia to Pennsylvania, we are now back on […]


A New Watershed-Wide Benthic Project

The CMC is excited to announce a new project collecting benthic samples across the watershed to fill in data gaps for the Chesapeake Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity, or the Chessie BIBI. This project, funded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust, relies on the CMC and our local connections throughout the Chesapeake region to collect tier […]


The CMC heads into the field with the Severn River Association!

Liz Chudoba (the Alliance) and Caroline Donovan (UMCES) joined Tom Guay and Emi McGeady (both from Severn River Association) for a day of field work. The main goal was to observe field measurements of dissolved oxygen profiles and water clarity. But, it was also a chance to get out on water! The weather was perfect […]


Expanding Monitoring Capacity

The CMC team is excited to announce a new partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. We will be establishing a monitoring protocol that targets restoration projects to track progress over time. First, the CMC team will conduct a study design workshop with key stakeholders. The workshop objectives are to identify data needs and […]


CitSciVirtual 2021

The CitSci conference, usually held in-person every other year, became an online platform for self-paced learning this year. The great thing about this conference is that it is a cross-section of all types of citizen science, from mining information from medical journals to tracking butterflies. With a variety of virtual events held live every day, […]


RiverTrends Trains 47 New Monitors!

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has produced a hybrid training plan to bring new monitors on board. This is a combination of virtual and in-person training. Since January 2021, we have welcomed 47 new monitors to the RiverTrends program. Monitors completed an online training session, then attended an outdoor session to practice with their […]


Hack the Bay Leads the Way

The CMC team had a strong presence at the National Water Monitoring Conference this year! Of note, Liz Chudoba gave a presentation highlighting Hack the Bay as part of a session about local, state, and regional uses for community-collected data. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the partnership with Booz Allen, discuss the key […]


A successful, virtual National Monitoring Conference

The CMC project team attended the virtual National Monitoring Conference in April. The one-week virtual event brought together practitioners from federal, state, and volunteer monitoring organizations to share knowledge about monitoring across the U.S. The CMC presented on the Hack the Bay and provided a Data Interpretation workshop at the conference. The image (above) is […]


Data consistency in the Susquehanna watershed

ALLARM has started to have open Zoom calls with Stream Team monitors. That’s one of the positive outcomes of working from home during the pandemic. Stream Team volunteers in all participating counties can connect to each other! Every other month, volunteers can receive monitoring updates and explore how monitoring is going. During March’s call (with […]


It’s monitoring season!

The CMC team is partnering with the CBP, the Chesapeake Bay Trust, and EPA Wheeling Laboratories to start collection of lab analyzed family-level macroinvertebrate samples throughout the watershed. These samples will fill spatial gaps in the Chesapeake Stream Health Indicator. Working with the Wheeling Lab and subject matter experts, like Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ […]


Learning tools and techniques from each other

This past Tuesday, I attended ALLARM’s Data Interpretation workshop. It was specifically for Cumberland County Stream Team volunteers. Here at UMCES, we also provide Data Interpretation workshops for the CMC throughout the watershed.  So, it was a great opportunity for us to learn new techniques and ways to work with volunteer monitors that we haven’t […]


CMC data now available on the CBP Data Hub!

The CMC team is excited to announce that data from the Chesapeake Data Explorer have been integrated into the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Data Hub! The CMC has been working with the CBP data team to build a bridge between the Data Explorer and the Data Hub, ensuring compatible methodologies, matching quality assurance, and assigning tiers. […]


The CMC reflects on its first six years

The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative is completing its sixth year. Together we have built a monitoring network, helped numerous groups start new monitoring programs and incorporated over 300,000 data points into the Chesapeake Data Explorer. We’re excited to share our report that highlights the amazing partnerships, collaborations, and accomplishments that we have been a part of […]


Friends of Dragon Run joins RiverTrends!

On  January 12, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay conducted their first entirely virtual new monitor onboarding session. And, it was a success! Volunteers with Friends of Dragon Run, located in eastern Virginia, completed a virtual training session and learned how to properly use monitoring equipment. A few days later, the group passed an online […]


Calling citizen scientists for USGS stream temperature study

Do you live in the Chesapeake Bay headwaters and want to know more about your favorite stream or spring? Then, this opportunity may be for you! Researchers with the US Geological Survey (USGS) Leetown Science Center are launching a new study to understand how groundwater affects stream temperature – and how this may affect future […]


Winter Monitoring Safety Tips

While winter wonderlands may make for a gorgeous landscape, it can result in treacherous conditions for water quality monitoring. Safety is always our number one priorty. Please be mindful of the weather and water conditions when going into the field. If you cannot access your site safely due to snow, ice, or slippery conditions, check […]


Citizen Science for the Win-Win Roundtable

On December 16th, Liz Chudoba, the CMC Program Manager, participated in the Chesapeake Research Consortium’s Roundtable panel. It was called Citizen Science for the Win-Win. The panel focused on the value that citizen science can provide. This includes boosting public understanding of and trust in environmental protection and restoration. Citizen scientists provide high quality data, […]


Otsego County Conservation Association Reaches a Monitoring Milestone!

After three years of stream monitoring in the Susquehanna River, the Otsego County Conservation Association was ready to interpret their data. ALLARM reviewed their data with them on December 9th. During this data interpretation event, volunteers viewed graphical summaries of their data. They also used their local knowledge to tell their story. These New York […]


York County, PA Stream Team Virtual Training Was A Success

Adapting to COVID circumstances is providing opportunities for ALLARM to test and refine our remote training approaches. On November 9th, with Penn State York Master Watershed Stewards and the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper, ALLARM trained 11 new Stream Team volunteers to conduct monthly stream assessments. Drawing from lessons we learned during previous virtual training, we identified […]


New Stream Team in Luzerne & Lackawanna Counties, PA

After a 5-month long delay in training, ALLARM is happy to welcome 16 volunteers from Penn State Extension’s Master Watershed Stewards program to a new Lackawanna – Luzerne Stream Team. Since being trained virtually at the end of August, the new stream team has gotten out to monitor nine sites across Luzerne and Lackawanna counties. […]


Bowie State University joins RiverTrends

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has partnered with Bowie State University, Maryland’s oldest historically black college, to create a monitoring program. It will expose students to green career pathways and explore the tie between environmental and public health. Forty-eight students participated in a Bay 101 webinar at the end of September. The webinar introduced […]


Winter Salt Watch is Kicking Off!

Become a Salt Watcher!  Winter is right around the corner, and there’s always the potential for an early snowstorm to catch us off guard. With snowfall, salt application can be expected too. Excessive salt and other de-icers applied to roads, parking lots, and sidewalks during colder months can pose a threat to aquatic life and […]


Hack the Bay Winners Create New Ways to Use CMC Data

Hack the Bay, a hackathon led by Booz Allen Hamilton in partnership with the CMC, was a rousing success! 430 participants joined the hackathon from 37 countries, 172 cities, and 103 universities. Participants represented skills, positions, and levels of expertise across data science, web development, and human-centered design. Hack the Bay was an entirely volunteer-led […]


Shifting gears towards virtual trainings

 Due to the pandemic, the CMC team has had to quickly adjust our volunteer engagement strategies and monitoring support to ensure the safety of all participants. These efforts have focused on established monitoring groups by creating virtual training videos and certification programs. This also means implementing new safety guidelines for monitors that include social distancing […]


Izaak Walton League’s Central New York Chapter Joins the CMC!

The IWLA  Central New York chapter is excited to join the CMC and integrate their data into the Chesapeake Data Explorer. They formed in 1989 to conserve, maintain, protect, and restore central New York‘s soil, air, woodlands, waters, and wildlife.  The Central New York chapter founded Project Watershed over 25 years ago with these goals in mind. Project Watershed works with students […]


CMC Says Bon Voyage to Helen Schlimm

After an incredible three years, it was with a heavy heart that we said farewell to ALLARM’s Community Science Specialist, Helen Schlimm, as she moves to Hawaii to be with her family and to explore island conservation and restoration. Helen joined the CMC crew in 2017. She fit right into our team, bringing grounded energy, […]


CMC featured in Outdoor America Magazine

The Izaak Walton League’s quarterly magazine, Outdoor America, featured an article on the CMC! Emily Bialowas, one of the CMC’s IWLA team members, wrote the article. The article provides an overview of the CMC and highlights the services that we provide. The Friends of the Bohemia, a Cooperative member, is also highlighted in the story. […]


Hack the Bay Partners Host Panel on Environmental Justice

As part of the Hack the Bay event, our partners at Booz Allen Hamilton hosted an Environmental Justice panel on Tuesday, August 18th. This panel covered how the intersection of social inequality, economics, and the environment are integral considerations to better understand the unequal societal burdens of pollution, climate change, and land development. The panelists […]


The Catchment Monitoring Cooperative – a new initiative in the United Kingdom

The Cooperative has been working with partners in the United Kingdom, providing advice on setting up a regional monitoring initiative. To help out, the CMC presented on volunteer engagement and the benefits of volunteer monitoring programs at their Catchment Data and Evidence Forum. The organization is working to set up a similar program to the […]


Investigating stakeholder perspectives – Survey

Please consider participating in an important survey investigating stakeholder perspectives on Chesapeake Bay management and public engagement in science. Your responses will inform ongoing research on Chesapeake Bay citizen science. Please complete the survey by Friday, August 28th. This survey is part of a PhD dissertation study at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The survey will take approximately 10 […]


ALLARM holds first virtual Stream Team data interpretation workshop

ALLARM held its first virtual Stream Team data interpretation workshop with monitors from York County on June 23. The York volunteers hold a special place in our hearts as the pilot Stream Team group trained in late 2018. These monitors have been collecting monthly water quality data for 18 months (with a pause at some […]


Benthic macroinvertebrate expert, Dan Boward, retires

The CMC Team is very sad to say goodbye to our friend and colleague, Dan Boward, who is retiring from Maryland Department of Natural Resources after a 34-year career in stream monitoring. Dan worked for the state of Maryland on surface water and benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring. Highlights of his career include: editing the 1999 book, […]


Hack The Bay is analyzing CMC data!

While CMC staff works to help groups with monitoring or uploading data, they have also been working on data use and analysis. One such partnership is with Booz Allen Hamilton on a hack-a-thon to dive deep into the CMC’s 230,000+ data points to learn more about water quality across the whole watershed and what our […]


Communicating Science Effectively Webinar

One of the CMC’s goals is to help interpret and communicate data throughout the watershed. Therefore, Caroline Donovan presented the Izaak Walton League’s Clean Water Webinar on Wednesday, May 27th. The webinar provided a summary of science communication techniques. Also, it included tips for effective PowerPoint presentations, data visualizations, and stakeholder workshops. Did you know […]


Read the Latest Tributary Report Cards!

Each spring locally relevant, volunteer-based report cards are released around the Chesapeake. These report cards are digitally available, meaning you can find out how your local stream or watershed is doing right from your own home. Follow the links below to see if there’s a new report card for your region of the watershed! BlueWater […]


Staying Connected During Virtual Times

As we all adapt to a new normal, staying connected is vitally important as in-person activities are paused. Like so many organizations, ALLARM had to cancel and postpone many events as a result of COVID-19. But every challenge presents an opportunity to try something new, like transitioning to virtual meeting and training spaces. There were […]


CMC Publishes New Microsoft Excel (TM) Macro Tools for Better Data Explorer Analysis

The CMC Team is excited to announce a few updates to the bulk data upload process to the Chesapeake Data Explorer that will hopefully ease data translation headaches! First, we have an updated bulk upload template, which moves the comments field, previously found in Column L, to an additional row for a sampling event. This comments field […]


James Beckley, Friend of the CMC, Steps Down as VA DEQ Citizen Monitoring Coordinator

The CMC Team was very sad to say goodbye to our long time friend and supporter, James Beckley, in April, as he left his position at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for a position at the water treatment lab in Chesterfield County.  James worked at VA DEQ as the citizen monitoring coordinator for 16 […]


Chesapeake Data Explorer Hits a New Milestone!

We are excited to announce that the Chesapeake Data Explorer has reached over 200,000 data points! If you haven’t done so recently, check out the Data Explorer homepage to see what your fellow monitors have been up to.


Send in Your Submissions for the 2020 Chesapeake Watershed Forum!

The 2020 Chesapeake Watershed Forum Planning Committee is now accepting submissions for both classroom sessions and intensive seminars for the 15th Annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum on October 30-November 1, 2020. They are seeking proposals that highlight approaches and policies that enhance the resiliency of our lands, water, and communities to withstand the adverse impacts of climate […]


Cumberland Stream Team Data Meeting

Volunteers from ALLARM’s Cumberland Stream Team, who are sampling 20 sites throughout Cumberland County, PA, met on February 18 at Dickinson College to check in and learn how to upload their data into the Chesapeake Data Explorer. Volunteers also submitted their second quality control samples, which ALLARM staff tested and confirmed that all participants passed […]


CMC Members Meet with the Rivanna Conservation Alliance for Report Card Workshop

Just before February came to a close, CMC team members Caroline Donovan and Nathan Miller met with Rivanna Conservation Alliance staff members Julia Ela and Rachel Pence in Charlottesville, VA for a report card workshop. With approximately 50 monitoring stations and many years of data, the creation of highly engaging and data-driven communications products are […]


CMC Collaborates with Booz Allen on Data Analysis Design-o-thon

On February 12th the CMC team participated in a Design-o-thon for data analysis in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton’s 901 Green Office Team and Women in Data Science. The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) has been working with the Booz Allen team to identify 4 key challenges that relate data collected through the Chesapeake Data Explorer […]


St. Mary’s River Monitors Becomes a Tier 2 Cooperative

We are excited to announce a new monitoring program starting in 2020 on the St. Mary’s River in Maryland! Last week the St. Mary’s River Monitoring Cooperative became Tier 2 certified to measure secchi depth and depth profiles for water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. There have been significant changes in the river in recent years, […]


CMC Partners Reunite for In-Person Meeting at Izaak Walton League

The CMC partners met in full force earlier in January for a strong meeting which reflected on past progress and faced future goals. All of the partner organizations were well represented. We met in the middle of the watershed at the Izaak Walton League office in Gaithersburg, and enjoyed good home-cooked food and a lovely […]


Upcoming Water Monitoring Classes with the Audubon Naturalist Society

For more than 25 years, the Audubon Naturalist Society has been teaching the natural history of aquatic ecology and training volunteer stream monitors to track the health of our region’s streams. Learn from the experts: study stream science in our introductory classes, and you just might be inspired to become a stream monitor yourself! Our advanced classes […]


Become a Salt-Watcher this Winter!

Winter is picking up steam, and with more snow comes more salt application! Excessive salt and other de-icers applied to roads, parking lots, and sidewalks this time of year can pose a threat to aquatic life and water quality when runoff flows into streams and storm drains. Through the Izaak Walton League’s Winter Salt Watch campaign, stream […]


Alliance Hosts Recertification Training for Caledon RiverTrends

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay hosted a dual certification/recertification training in late November for volunteer monitors of the Caledon State Park RiverTrends group. Based in Virginia, this corps of volunteer monitors collect monthly water quality data for the Caledon State Park. During the training, Liz Chudoba, Water Quality Program Director for the Alliance, reviewed […]


Renewed and New Connections

Throughout the fall months, the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring has been exploring relationships with new colleagues. We’ve also been dusting off the rolodex to reconnect with water partners throughout the Susquehanna and Potomac River watersheds. The ALLARM team loved running two sessions at the PA Conservation Districts Watershed Specialist conference. At the conference, ALLARM […]


The 2019 Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay hosted the 2019 Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit on October 19th, in Ashland, VA as a Forum Plus event. The summit’s theme was More Money, More Monitoring and focused on creating diverse partnerships in order to expand monitoring efforts throughout the Commonwealth. With 40 people in attendance, the Summit […]


York Stream Team Macroinvertebrate Workshop is a Success!

ALLARM had a fantastic time with its York Stream Teams and the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper learning how to monitor macroinvertebrates on October 26. These Stream Teams have been collecting monthly baseline chemical data for almost a year and were excited to add a biological component to their skillsets. We practiced sampling on Tyler Run, which […]


Upper Susquehanna Watershed Forum

The Upper Susquehanna Watershed Forum took place on October 1 at SUNY Binghamton. It was a successful regional event, hosted by the Upper Susquehanna Coalition and Otsego County Conservation Association. ALLARM presented CMC updates and volunteer monitoring resources that we can provide in the upper Susquehanna. It was great to present the Chesapeake Data Explorer […]


West Virginians Get Engaged in Water Quality Monitoring

Earlier this month, the CMC went to Harpers Ferry to talk to folks about initiating their own water quality monitoring program. We were part of a water symposium that focused on groundwater, the future climate of the local watershed, and water quality. The hosts, the Rural Agricultural Defenders of West Virginia, are a grassroots organization […]


Thomas Jefferson High School Students trained as Biological Monitors

This September, Izaak Walton League staff trained 80 freshmen at Thomas Jefferson High School in biological monitoring. The students are going to be monitoring 20 different Fairfax county stream sites as part of a year-long project on water quality and stream health. There was a great coordinated effort with staff from Reston Association, Trout Unlimited, […]


CMC Model Being Explored Abroad!

Earlier this summer the CMC was contacted by a group in the United Kingdom, UK Rivers Trust, who is interested in using the CMC model to create a national monitoring hub in the UK. The goal is to create a system that combines many sources of citizen science data, in order to track the health […]


C-M-C u at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum (Registration Open)!!!

Registration for the 14 th Chesapeake Watershed Forum is now open! Friday night spots have already filled up; so make sure you register ASAP. We are excited that water quality monitoring is a priority topic and there will be several monitoring talks going on throughout the weekend.  Need Data? The CMC can help! (Friday, 5:00-5:45) – […]


Benthic Monitoring Season is Coming!

It’s that time of year! It’s getting cooler, kids are going back to school… and volunteers like you are getting ready to go monitor their sites for benthic macroinvertebrates! September and October are ideal for fall benthic monitoring. For experienced monitors, it’s time to pull out the monitoring kits, check waders, and coordinate with monitoring […]


Spotlight on Otsego County Conservation Association: Celebrating the Second Monitoring Anniversary!

Otsego County Conservation Association is celebrating its second monitoring anniversary! Volunteers in the Cooperstown, New York area have been monitoring nine sites up in the headwaters of the Susquehanna River since September 2017. OCCA represents the first partnership for the CMC in New York. They are proud to be going into their third year of […]


Stream Monitors Attend August VASOS Training

Over twenty current and future stream monitors attended a VA SOS training program in Manassas Battlefield Park on August 10! Co-hosted by the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District and the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, attendees learned about urban hydrology, water quality issues, and benthic macroinvertebrates. Current monitors learned about chemical […]


Summarizing CBP Data on the Coverage of Chesapeake Monitoring

Dia Brown was a 2-month summer intern from the University of Vermont, working with the USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office and supported through the Chesapeake Research Consortium’s C-StREAM Program (Chesapeake Student Recruitment, Early Advisement and Mentoring). As part of her summer intern experience, Dia worked on exploring, characterizing and visualizing data available in the CMC’s […]


Columbia County Stream Team Training

ALLARM’s Stream Team monitoring program is moving up the Susquehanna River! We trained new volunteers in Columbia County, PA, in the middle Susquehanna region on July 15. ALLARM summer watershed coordinators led demonstrations and taught small groups the monitoring techniques along with Julie Vastine and Helen Schlimm. The new teams identified seven sites in the […]


Behind the Scenes with the CMC!

At the end of June, the CMC project team got together in Carlisle, PA to dive deep into the technical details of our Cooperative, plan for the future, and visit our friends at ALLARM. While the CMC team regularly keeps in touch, we only get to meet in person a few times a year. This […]


CMC at the Chesapeake Bay Program Communications Workgroup bi-annual retreat

Twice a year, the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Communication Workgroup, of which the CMC is a member, gets together to review a specific topic of keen interest to all its participants. This July, the workgroup’s bi-annual retreat focused on how to improve climate change communication with policy makers, resource managers and constituents in the Chesapeake watershed. […]


CMC Hosts Workshop for Head of the Bay Alliance

The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative team hosted a study design workshop for the Head of the Bay Alliance on June 13th in Havre de Grace, Maryland. The Head of the Bay Alliance is an alliance of independent watershed and environmental organizations fostering collaboration and mutual support to protect the natural resources of the Upper Chesapeake Bay […]


CMC Presents at Inaugural Chesapeake Studies Conference

The CMC was excited to participate in the inaugural gathering of the Chesapeake Studies Conference, the first of what planners hope becomes an annual opportunity for institutions and researchers to discuss the unique ecology, history, and environmental challenges of the Chesapeake watershed. Nathan Miller, an IAN-UMCES Science Communicator and CMC team member, presented during a […]


IWLA Certifies New Monitors in Fredericksburg, VA

Last month IWLA staff got to work with volunteers from around the Fredericksburg area in Virginia eager to become certified biological monitors. Volunteers from the IWLA Fredericksburg-Rappahannock chapter, Green Aquia, and local Virginia Master Naturalists all came out on a beautiful day to learn about water quality issues, the importance of monitoring benthic macroinvertebrates, and […]


York Stream Team QC Check In and Database Training

ALLARM checked in with its Stream Team volunteers in York County on Monday, June 17th and trained everyone to upload their monitoring data into the Chesapeake Data Explorer. All the stream sites were represented, and everyone brought their second quality control samples and shared updates from the past five months of monitoring. Then the teams […]


Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit is Coming this October!

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay will be hosting the Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit on October 19th, 2019 in Ashland, VA. The theme this year is more money, more monitoring, with a goal of providing monitoring groups and individual monitors with diverse resources and partnership opportunities to increase or sustain monitoring programs. Registration […]


#OneChesapeake: This Week is Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week!

The Chesapeake Bay Program’s 4th Annual Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week (June 1 – 9) is upon us! Visit the CBP’s events page to find an event near you! Per the CBP press release: “The fourth annual Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week will take place June 1-9, 2019. While this week has been officially designated in Maryland, […]


ALLARM is launching Stream Team in Cumberland County, PA!

ALLARM teamed up with the Middle and Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Associations in 2018 to launch a new monitoring initiative called Susquehanna Stream Team, funded by the Campbell Foundation. This program engages water quality monitoring efforts among volunteers in Pennsylvania and New York. Volunteers will specifically be monitoring the Susquehanna tributaries to address local inquiries and […]


Data Explorer nominated for RVA Tech Gala Award

The CMC is proud to announce that the Chesapeake Data Explorer was nominated for the Innovation in Community award at the RVA Tech Gala this year! The Gala was held in Richmond, VA and celebrates the breakthroughs, advancements, and outstanding technologists who are driving Richmond’s technology-based economy. Though the Data Explorer did not win, we […]


D.C. Bacteria Monitoring

The Anacostia Riverkeeper has partnered with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (CMC), Audubon Naturalists Society, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, and Rock Creek Conservancy through a grant from the D.C. Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to start a bacteria monitoring program in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this project is to to make E.coli data […]


CMC teams up with DataKind volunteers to make data tools

On Saturday April 27th, the CMC held a training for volunteers eager to provide their time and skills…on dry land! CMC staff, Peter Tango and Emily Bialowas, participated in a weekend long Data Dive with DataKind volunteers, who help non-profit citizen science initiatives with their data needs. The CMC spent the day with DataKind volunteers […]


C-M-C u at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum in November!

The CMC is excited to see that the request for proposals for presentations at the 14th Chesapeake Watershed Forum is open and water quality monitoring is a priority topic! This year’s theme Better Together: Diverse and Innovative Collaborations for the Chesapeake Watershed, encourages presenters to share not only monitoring tools and techniques, but also community […]


CMC Discusses Bay Restoration and Citizen Science at Planning Association Workshop

During a lightning round of talks at a recent workshop for the Maryland chapter of the American Planning Association, Nathan Miller, an IAN-UMCES Science Communicator and CMC Team member, spoke with attendees and stakeholders about CMC’s mission to monitor water quality and benthic biodiversity throughout the Chesapeake Bay. Despite its brevity, the five-minute talk emphasized […]


CMC highlights Chesapeake health to Virginia’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Last week, we got to share the work we do with Soil and Water Conservation Districts and their staff from across northern and central Virginia. Emily Bialowas, our CMC coordinator at the Izaak Walton League, was asked to speak along with staff from Virginia’s Dept. of Conservation and Recreation and Dept. of Game and Inland […]


CMC data makes a splash at the 2019 National Water Quality Monitoring Conference

The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative was well represented at the National Water Quality Monitoring Conference in Denver at the end of March. Several members of the team attended the conference and shared CMC progress and resources through a variety of presentations. Peter Tango, Emily Bialowas, Helen Schlimm, and Caroline Donovan presented a champion session which covered […]


CMC attends the Citizen Science Association’s Conference in Raleigh

The CMC was well represented at the biennial Citizen Science Association conference in Raleigh, NC in March. Emily Bialowas and Peter Tango presented on various aspects of the CMC in sessions about Monitoring Data and Data Quality Management. Caroline Donovan presented a lunchtime roundtable discussion that highlighted the CMC as an example of a successful regional partnership. […]


CALL FOR DATA: Maryland 2020 Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality

The CMC is excited to announce that the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) will be using the Chesapeake Data Explorer for their 2019 data solicitation! This data will be used in the 2020 Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality, which provides information on both impaired and non-impaired waters within the State of Maryland. If […]


April 13th is Citizen Science Day!

The Citizen Science Association’s 4th annual Citizen Science Day kicks off on April 13th with events planned around the country to highlight the remarkable contributions communities and individual citizens make to scientific exploration everyday. Visit to see if there’s an event near you. There’s also still time to set up your own Citizen Science Day event. Visit the […]


MDE Shellfish is our newest Tier 3 group!

The CMC is excited to announce the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Shellfish monitoring program has been approved as Tier 3 for their 2019 monitoring season! Maryland’s bacteriological monitoring of shellfish growing waters started in the early 1970’s and it has grown to over 700 stations throughout the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. All stations […]


Data Interpretation Workshops

The CMC trained approximately 20 people in Data Interpretation and Science Communication in February. The free 2-day workshop is part of the CMC’s training services and include hands-on, immersive training in data interpretation, conceptualization, storytelling, and design and layout. One workshop was hosted at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality‘s office in Richmond, VA and the other was […]


The CMC has a new website!

The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) is starting 2019 off fresh with a brand new website (! This website provides a platform to share CMC services and resources that have been developed over the past three years and are freely available. The CMC brings together a diverse group of people who monitor water quality to provide […]


Check out the newly available Chesapeake Data Explorer!

The CMC is pleased to announce the Chesapeake Data Explorer is now publicly available to view and download monitoring data! This portal allows anyone to view, access, and download published monitoring data in the Data Explorer. We are continuing to add water quality data, monitoring groups, and site locations into the system. Continue to check the website to keep […]


Memorandum of Understanding is passed to advance citizen water monitoring effectiveness!

Over the last year, the CMC has been working with the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership on an unprecedented Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU aims to forge a deeper understanding of and commitment to using non-traditional water quality and benthic data in various ways. We are pleased to announce that the MOU was formally accepted by […]


ALLARM teams up with partners to launch stream volunteer monitoring program

On October 25th, ALLARM teamed up with students and faculty at York College of Pennsylvania and the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper to launch ALLARM’s Susquehanna Stream Team volunteer monitoring program. This new initiative of ALLARM aims to engage volunteers to collect scientific data of known quality that can inform local approaches to achieving improved watershed health […]


New CMC Sessions at the Watershed Forum!

There are several sessions where you can connect with the CMC. Each session includes fun, hands-on activities related to monitoring local streams. We hope you can make it to at least one of our sessions! The CMC sessions are: 1:30 Friday afternoon – Taste of the CMC (Session A) 3:30 Friday afternoon – Data Interpretation […]


Upcoming Events

Online Save Our Streams certification program


Izaak Walton League of America

The Izaak Walton League is thrilled to offer the opportunity for you to start the certification process from home. Start with training videos and online registration. Finish with in-person field work and a protocol exam.

Training Information >>

No upcoming events.